Quick Start

GoAdmin makes it easy to use in various web frameworks through various adapters. Currently supported web frameworks are:

You can choose the framework which your own project is using. If there is no framework you like, please feel free to give us an issue or pr!

Let's take the gin framework for example to demonstrate the build process.


Firstly, create a new main.go file in your project folder with the following contents:

package main

import (
    _ "github.com/GoAdminGroup/go-admin/adapter/gin" // Import the adapter, it must be imported. If it is not imported, you need to define it yourself.
    _ "github.com/GoAdminGroup/themes/adminlte" // Import the theme
    _ "github.com/GoAdminGroup/go-admin/modules/db/drivers/mysql" // Import the sql driver


func main() {
    r := gin.Default()

    // Instantiate a GoAdmin engine object.
    eng := engine.Default()

    // GoAdmin global configuration, can also be imported as a json file.
    cfg := config.Config{
        Databases: []config.Database{
                Host:         "",
                Port:         "3306",
                User:         "root",
                Pwd:          "root",
                Name:         "godmin",
                MaxIdleCon:   50,
                MaxOpenCon:   150,
                Driver:       "mysql",
        UrlPrefix: "admin", // The url prefix of the website.
        // Store must be set and guaranteed to have write access, otherwise new administrator users cannot be added.
        Store: config.Store{
            Path:   "./uploads",
            Prefix: "uploads",
        Language: language.EN,

    // Add configuration and plugins, use the Use method to mount to the web framework.
    _ = eng.AddConfig(cfg).

    _ = r.Run(":9033")

Please pay attention to the above code and comments, the corresponding steps are added to the comments, it is simple to use. Summary of up to five steps:

  • Import the adapter, the theme and the sql driver

  • Set global configuration items

  • Mounted to the web framework

Then execute go run main.go to run the code and access: http://localhost:9033/admin/login default account: admin default password: admin

more web framework example: https://github.com/GoAdminGroup/go-admin/tree/master/examples

Add your own business table for management


Global configuration item description


package config

import (

// Database is a type of database connection config.
// Because a little difference of different database driver.
// The Config has multiple options but may be not used.
// Such as the sqlite driver only use the FILE option which
// can be ignored when the driver is mysql.
// If the Dsn is configured, when driver is mysql/postgresql/
// mssql, the other configurations will be ignored, except for
// MaxIdleCon and MaxOpenCon.
type Database struct {
    Host         string
    Port         string
    User         string
    Pwd          string
    Name         string
    MaxIdleCon   int
    MaxOpenCon   int
    Driver       string
    File         string
    Dsn          string

// Database configuration
// which is a map where key is the name of the database connection and 
// value is the corresponding data configuration.
// The key is the default database is the default database, but also 
// the database used by the framework, and you can configure multiple 
// databases to be used by your business tables to manage different databases.
type DatabaseList map[string]Database

// Store is the file store config. Path is the local store path.
// and prefix is the url prefix used to visit it.
type Store struct {
    Path   string
    Prefix string

// Config type is the global config of goAdmin. It will be
// initialized in the engine.
type Config struct {
    // An map supports multi database connection. The first
    // element of Databases is the default connection. See the
    // file connection.go.
    Databases DatabaseList `json:"database"`

    // The cookie domain used in the auth modules. see
    // the session.go.
    Domain string `json:"domain"`

    // Used to set as the localize language which show in the
    // interface.
    Language string `json:"language"`

    // The global url prefix.
    UrlPrefix string `json:"prefix"`

    // The theme name of template.
    Theme string `json:"theme"`

    // The path where files will be stored into.
    Store Store `json:"store"`

    // The title of web page.
    Title string `json:"title"`

    // Logo is the top text in the sidebar.
    Logo template.HTML `json:"logo"`

    // Mini-logo is the top text in the sidebar when folding.
    MiniLogo template.HTML `json:"mini_logo"`

    // The url redirect to after login
    IndexUrl string `json:"index"`

    // Debug mode
    Debug bool `json:"debug"`

    // Env is the environment, which maybe local, test, prod.
    Env string

    // Info log path
    InfoLogPath string `json:"info_log"`

    // Error log path
    ErrorLogPath string `json:"error_log"`

    // Access log path
    AccessLogPath string `json:"access_log"`

    // Sql operator record log switch
    SqlLog bool `json:"sql_log"`

    AccessLogOff bool
    InfoLogOff   bool
    ErrorLogOff  bool

    // Color scheme
    ColorScheme string `json:"color_scheme"`

    // Session life time, unit is second.
    SessionLifeTime int `json:"session_life_time"`

    // Cdn link of assets
    AssetUrl string `json:"asset_url"`

    // File upload engine, default "local"
    FileUploadEngine FileUploadEngine `json:"file_upload_engine"`

    // Custom html in the tag head.
    CustomHeadHtml template.HTML `json:"custom_head_html"`

    // Custom html after body.
    CustomFootHtml template.HTML `json:"custom_foot_html"`

    // Login page title
    LoginTitle string `json:"login_title"`

    // Login page logo
    LoginLogo template.HTML `json:"login_logo"`

    // Auth user table
    AuthUserTable string `json:"auth_user_table",yaml:"auth_user_table",ini:"auth_user_table"`

    // Extra config info
    Extra ExtraInfo `json:"extra",yaml:"extra",ini:"extra"`

    // Page animation
    Animation PageAnimation `json:"animation",yaml:"animation",ini:"animation"`

    // Limit login with different IPs
    NoLimitLoginIP bool `json:"no_limit_login_ip",yaml:"no_limit_login_ip",ini:"no_limit_login_ip"`

    // When site off is true, website will be closed
    SiteOff bool `json:"site_off",yaml:"site_off",ini:"site_off"`

    // Hide config center entrance flag
    HideConfigCenterEntrance bool `json:"hide_config_center_entrance",yaml:"hide_config_center_entrance",ini:"hide_config_center_entrance"`

    // Hide app info entrance flag
    HideAppInfoEntrance bool `json:"hide_app_info_entrance",yaml:"hide_app_info_entrance",ini:"hide_app_info_entrance"`

    // Update Process Function
    UpdateProcessFn UpdateConfigProcessFn `json:"-",yaml:"-",ini:"-"`

    // Is open admin plugin json api
    OpenAdminApi bool `json:"open_admin_api",yaml:"open_admin_api",ini:"open_admin_api"`

    HideVisitorUserCenterEntrance bool `json:"hide_visitor_user_center_entrance",yaml:"hide_visitor_user_center_entrance",ini:"hide_visitor_user_center_entrance"`

    // Custom 404 Page
    Custom404HTML template.HTML `json:"custom_404_html,omitempty",yaml:"custom_404_html",ini:"custom_404_html"`

    // Custom 403 Page
    Custom403HTML template.HTML `json:"custom_403_html,omitempty",yaml:"custom_403_html",ini:"custom_403_html"`

    // Custom 500 Page
    Custom500HTML template.HTML `json:"custom_500_html,omitempty",yaml:"custom_500_html",ini:"custom_500_html"`

Logger configuration:

type Logger struct {
    Encoder EncoderCfg `json:"encoder",yaml:"encoder",ini:"encoder"`
    Rotate  RotateCfg  `json:"rotate",yaml:"rotate",ini:"rotate"`
    Level   int8       `json:"level",yaml:"level",ini:"level"`

// Logger encode configuration
type EncoderCfg struct {
    // TimeKey, default is ts
    TimeKey       string `json:"time_key",yaml:"time_key",ini:"time_key"`
    // LevelKey, default is level
    LevelKey      string `json:"level_key",yaml:"level_key",ini:"level_key"`
    // LevelKey, default is logger
    NameKey       string `json:"name_key",yaml:"name_key",ini:"name_key"`
    // CallerKey caller
    CallerKey     string `json:"caller_key",yaml:"caller_key",ini:"caller_key"`
    // MessageKey, default is msg
    MessageKey    string `json:"message_key",yaml:"message_key",ini:"message_key"`
    // StacktraceKey, default is stacktrace
    StacktraceKey string `json:"stacktrace_key",yaml:"stacktrace_key",ini:"stacktrace_key"`
    // Level Encoder, default is CapticalColor
    Level         string `json:"level",yaml:"level",ini:"level"`
    // Time Encoder, default is ISO8601
    Time          string `json:"time",yaml:"time",ini:"time"`
    // Duration Encoder, default is seconds
    Duration      string `json:"duration",yaml:"duration",ini:"duration"`
    // Caller Encoder, default is short
    Caller        string `json:"caller",yaml:"caller",ini:"caller"`
    // Encoding Format, default is console
    Encoding      string `json:"encoding",yaml:"encoding",ini:"encoding"`

// Logger rotate configuration
type RotateCfg struct {
    // Max file size, unit is m, default is 10m
    MaxSize    int  `json:"max_size",yaml:"max_size",ini:"max_size"`
    // Max file backups, default is 5
    MaxBackups int  `json:"max_backups",yaml:"max_backups",ini:"max_backups"`
    // Max store age, unit is day, default is 30 day
    MaxAge     int  `json:"max_age",yaml:"max_age",ini:"max_age"`
    // Is compress or not, defaul is false
    Compress   bool `json:"compress",yaml:"compress",ini:"compress"`

English is not my main language. If any typo or wrong translation you found, you can help to translate in github here. I will very appreciate it.

Last updated

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